Supporting Patients with Cancer

Written by: Dr. Marisa

Edited by: Drs. Andersen & Marisa

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.

“I do not treat cancer; I treat individuals with cancer. That is to say, I treat the whole person,  not just their disease.” – Dr. M 

A diagnosis of cancer can present an overwhelming whirlwind of doctors visits, intimidating treatments plans, and a jarring realization of one’s own mortality. The conventional medical model presents treatment options that often leave patients at the mercy of the “medicine”, feeling disempowered, helpless, and ultimately unsatisfied. This paradigm treats patients like passive pawns in the game of their life. At Matrix Wellness we offer another approach, one that empowers our patients to be active participants in their journey back to health and wellness. 

Naturopathic Cancer Care 

Our goal with every patient is simple: support the body’s amazing propensity to heal itself. When someone is diagnosed with cancer the path may appear longer and more treacherous, and for some, there is certainly some truth to that. Cancer patients tend to need more drastic measures and higher-level interventions to help their body achieve enduring health. Yet the fundamentals remain the same: Establish the Foundations for Optimal Health and Stimulate the Self-healing Wisdom of the Body. Only when these central principles are honored do more drastic measures stand a chance at having their intended impact on overall wellbeing.

Our Approach to Treatment 

Informed by the Therapeutic Order of Naturopathic Medicine, our approach to each patient begins by assessing each individual’s food intolerances and creating a nutrition plan tailored to their specific dietary needs and lifestyle. Additionally, we work to ensure every patient receives adequate clean water, fresh air, and exposure to natural environments, as well as appropriately managing their stress. Once the basics of healthy living have been addressed, we move to stimulate the innate healing power of the body through regular movement, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, homeopathy, botanical medicine, and supported fasting regimens. Next, we work to support and restore the immune system, which is commonly compromised in patients diagnosed with cancer. This is accomplished through hydrotherapy, botanical medicine, supplements, and mistletoe therapy. (Blog on mistletoe therapy coming soon!) Lastly, we implement higher level interventions such as cytotoxic herbal protocols and IV therapy. 

Mind-Body Medicine

Our treatment plans would not be complete without also addressing the mental, emotional, and spiritual health of our patients, because sustainable health only occurs when we heal on all levels. Our practitioners are trained in counseling techniques aimed to help identify and address underlying trauma that is being stored in the physical body, rewrite internal narratives that are no longer serving their purpose, and teach one how to cultivate unconditional love for oneself. This work is deeply personal, individualized, and fundamental in making a full and lasting recovery. 


We Support You, No Matter What

Our patients frequently ask us if they should be doing conventional therapy. To that we say, we will never tell anyone what path to take, nor have we ever stopped working with someone because of their decision. We aim to educate our patients so that they can make the most informed decision possible, and then stand behind them in support of their chosen path. We work with people at all levels of the spectrum - those who are doing conventional therapies and want additional support, those who have exhausted conventional options and are looking for an alternative approach, those who do not want to follow a conventional approach, and those who do not have cancer but would like to prevent it in the future. Wherever you are on your path, you can count on our support. 


Therapies we offer in-house:

  • Comprehensive nutrition counseling

  • Botanical Medicine, Homeopathy, & Supplemental support 

  • Hydrotherapy

  • Electrotherapy (PEMF & Light Therapy) 

  • Mistletoe therapy 

  • Supported fasting 

  • Mental-Emotional support/counseling


Therapies we refer to our amazing colleagues for:

  • IV Therapy 

  • Acupuncture 

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

  • Massage

  • Sauna