
Written & Edited by: Dr. Andersen

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.


Vitality is the presence of an active, energetic, life-creating & sustaining principle, inherent in all living beings. That vitality is present in & between every cell in your body. It is in your blood as it drives the heart & nourishes all of the organs & integrated systems of your body, mind, & spirit. With vitality on your side, life is a playground. It animates your world & colors your experience, allowing you to explore & venture into the world with confidence, as your body & mind are adaptable & capable of moving through life’s many challenges with ease. Without it an organism is unable to maintain a state of equilibrium, address imbalances as they arise, & ultimately live a coherent, enriched, & fulfilling life.

Measuring Vitality

How do we measure vitality? Is it not the brightness of an individual’s eyes, the clarity of their skin, or the glow of their aura or ethereal body? Yes, it is all of these & more. And what is responsible for this brightness, clarity, & glow? It is the water inside you… the blood that drives your heart to carry nutrients, oxygen, & life into all parts of your being, & the cellular (inside the cells) & extracellular (between the cells) fluids that bathe your every essence in either a life-promoting or degenerating environment based on your individual dietary & lifestyle choices. Fortunately, it is easy to evaluate the state of water in your body via the blood & corresponding heart sounds. In doing so, we can appreciate where we are meeting an individual on their personal healing journey, make supplemental recommendations to address specific imbalances based on hundreds of thousands of case examples, & monitor patient response as they move along their individualized treatment path & return, through the process of holistic healing, into a state of whole systems health & wellness. 

Tracking Improvements

How does one adequately assess & track vitality through time, you ask? The Heart Sound Recorder, which was originally developed by Dr. Royal Lee, founder of Standard Process, utilizes a digital stethoscope to record a visual impression of the heart’s sounds as they account for the rate, rhythm, & tone of the heart’s cycle. From this we are able to identify a number of conditions which prevent the body from healing, as it otherwise would. These include states of anxiety & stress, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, & impaired detoxification pathways to name a few. We perform this analysis at each & every visit so patient’s can visually connect the improvement in their heart sound recordings with concurrent gains in perceived well-being from one visit to the next. In addition, we perform a vitality assessment where we visually observe a patient’s blood clotting pattern, from which we are able to confirm the states of anxiety & stress, various deficiencies, systemic inflammation, & toxemia’s (toxin accumulation) effect on overall vitality mentioned above.

The Fountain of Life

Vitality is literally the fountain of life within each one of us, driven by the foundational molecule that underlies every living being, H2O. It is not something you can seek outside yourself, it lies within. So, I’m sure you’re all wanting to know how one may go about enhancing their level of vitality in hopes of experiencing all that their life has to offer. Because truly, this is the only force that brings about any physical, mental, emotional, & even spiritual healing within an organism, something no drug, device, or decree could ever claim to do. You’ll find the answer is a simple one, but not easy. We have to drink clean, coherent water & eat foods that will nourish our body, mind, & spirit. We have to move every day, to increase circulation, detoxification, & the structure of water within, that brings with it intrinsic improvements in our vitality. We have to get adequate, quality sleep, & mitigate the electro-magnetic field (EMF) effects from our modern, technology-infused world. We need to incorporate daily stress management techniques to address those experiences that, although beyond our control, affect us often throughout our entire life. And we have to be honest with ourselves, actively confronting the way we think & relate within as well as with all the people & things that make up our world. So in review, diet, lifestyle, relationships, & stress management… Simple, right? However, in a world built on convenience, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Having someone on your team to incrementally implement change in a cohesive, logical, & tailored sequence, to fit your life, will dramatically improve your chances of success. This is where Naturopathic Medicine comes in, professionals trained in the art of natural healing & whole systems healthcare. Your body is wise & it will heal you… Naturopathy guides the way.