Coherent Life

Written & Edited by: Dr. Andersen

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.

Cradle of Life

It is commonly agreed upon by most biologists that life originated in water, and more specifically in Earth’s oceans. So it should come as no surprise that all living organisms, that we’re aware of, are dependent on water to survive. Water constitutes 70% of the human body by volume, but over 99.9% of the molecules that make us what we are… we are really just “clever water.” As for its role in living systems, water provides the medium in which all biochemical and electromagnetic reactions occur, and depending on its given state or structure determines the way these interactions come into Being. Water, as the “Cradle of Life”, acts as an active matrix, responding to electro-magnetic fields both within us & our surrounding environment that ultimately affect our cellular capability to communicate & function either in a cohesive, coherent, and life-supporting manner, or adversely in a chaotic, dysregulated, and unintelligent way.

The Fourth State of Water

Most of us know that water can exist in three separate states, as a gas (steam), liquid (bulk water), or solid (ice), depending on its temperature. However, many of us are unaware that water actually exists in a fourth state, a coherent state, that is more a combination of both the solid & liquid phases of water and commonly described as a semi-solid crystalline gel that occurs at room temperature. The resultant crystal-gel matrix is unique in that it isn’t solely dependent on the water’s temperature to determine its phase. Instead, this particular coherent, structured state depends more on the totality of the environment it is exposed to. 


Let’s first begin by coming to an understanding of coherent systems. Coherence, as described by Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), is the vibrational attunement of a system’s elementary components into identical fluctuations. Or, in other words, the separate parts begin to vibrate collectively as a whole, lose their individuality, and form a harmonious, unified matrix that exhibits abilities and characteristics not available to its individual constituents. They call these unified systems Coherent Domains (CDs), which display a conscious ability to communicate with and recruit other similar systems in the vicinity due to their capability to store and transmit information. These CDs are also easily influenced by strongly competing Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) in their environment, which in the case of water tend toward the destabilization of its coherent structure, destroying its organizing principle and ultimately resulting in loss of its life-promoting propensity. So, if coherence is the macroscopic manifestation of microscopic dynamics as they coalesce into a conscious, integrated, and intelligent alliance, then decoherence is the regression from that unified, beneficial operation on a system-wide scale to individual actions taken without concern for the whole. In the context of our thoughts and intentions, which are essentially just vibrations directed at supporting or sabotaging our experience in the world, we find that these influences affect the state of water at its most fundamental level. When our thoughts are in harmony  with the world around us, we experience feelings of content, joy, and satisfaction… we’re literally vibrating with love & light… and our body, mind, and spirit experience integrated health and wellness on all levels. On the other hand, when we are resisting the natural flow of life, we feel restricted, become stuck and stagnant in our ways, and find resistance in every effort and interaction. 

Resonance Attraction

Curious, what is it that causes water to enter its coherent, structured state? Naturally, it takes this form readily in its native environment, flowing through stream’s and turning in the ocean’s waves via vortices. It also enters this fourth phase around all “water-loving” (ie. hydrophilic) surfaces. This is due to the QED principle of Resonance Attraction or “like attracts like”, which accounts for the behavior of water, and relationship dynamics between all living entities for that matter, taking on its most secure, stable structure when it is near something that literally “loves” it. Resonance Attraction also accounts for the tendency of coherent water systems to “attract” other nearby water molecules to enter into that same structured state. The main advantage of cooperative, structured matrices is that they reduce the total energy required by the sum of their parts, which simply means it functions more efficiently as a whole than any of the individual molecules would on their own. The lowered energy state of coherent water is what permits chemical bonds between H+ and OH- (ie. H2O) to break, providing the pool of free electrons (H+) needed both in redox chemical reactions responsible for driving cellular respiration, and therefore life, as well as creating the magnetic potential that moves blood through our vessels and maintains the delicate balance (Na+/K+ gradients) of intercellular space that allows for life to unfold within our cells. Moreover, the lowered energy state allows coherent water systems to cooperatively absorb, trap, and emit Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs), resulting in water’s ability to conduct, coordinate, and ultimately regulate our physical, mental, & emotional experience through the conscious role it plays in managing all metabolic processes (chemical and electrical) at both the cellular level and body as a whole. Finally, and likely the most fascinating, is the ability we have to convert water’s structure through our own thought and intention... yet another example of the consciousness of water literally loving itself into life or beating itself to death through Resonance Attraction.

Efficiency & Health

Why is efficiency important, you ask? It is well documented, even in conventional medicine, that most states of dis-ease are due to perturbations in metabolism. That is, imbalances in the body & mind find their root in dysfunctional mitochondria, that part within every cell of your body responsible for metabolizing nutrients from the foods that you eat and oxygen you breathe to produce energy. It is also true, as mentioned above, that when the whole begins to operate in unison, the individual parts act more like a flowing tide of uninterrupted fluid energy. Here we can observe coherent water readily sharing electrons responsible for synergizing the production of energy within mitochondria in a more efficient and functional manner. What that means for you is that your body will have the energy necessary to heal, think, and thrive in a way you’ve never experienced before.

Consciousness & Water

Obviously this conversation goes much deeper, but the effect of Resonance Attraction and the proper structuring of water on the health of our body, mind, & spirit affect our experience in life at the most elemental level. If water is not the consciousness of life itself, it is at least the essence or medium through which that omnipresent energy acts to animate & maintain life as we know it. We call this the Vital Force or Vis Medicatrix Naturae (ie. Intelligent Healing Power of Nature) in Naturopathy, Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Prana in Ayurveda, or any life-organizing/promoting energetic presence that acts to restore energy and balance in nature. It consciously recruits itself at the molecular level through Resonance Attraction, based on the QED principle of “like attracts like”, which coalesces into an integrated experience in body, mind, & spirit. This is the way water-based life evolved, capable of functioning in the way nature intended, as a coherent whole that inherently regenerates & restores itself, and its own, to a state of health & wellbeing on all planes of existence.