The Therapeutic Order

Written and Edited by: Dr. Andersen

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.

The Body’s Inherent Healing Nature

Naturopathic Doctors approach healthcare by supporting the natural wisdom of your body to heal itself. We don't manage disease, instead we nurture the innate healing power within you to resolve your symptoms by addressing the underlying imbalance that caused them. This is in contrast to the paradigm or philosophy of western medical practice, which views your symptoms as the disease process itself & suppresses those efforts of your body to restore balance, thereby preventing resolution of the underlying cause & restoration of health.

1) Establish the Foundation for Optimal Health

We first identify & remove any disturbing factors that have affected your metabolism. We do this by assessing the determinants of health which include diet, digestion, lifestyle, stress/anxiety, relationships, toxin exposure, etc. To begin we perform a Food Intolerance Evaluation to assess your diet. Impaired digestive & metabolic function lead to toxemia, the number one cause of systemic imbalance & the "dis-ease" process that accompanies it. Detoxification, & the resulting improvement in digestion & metabolism, is best accomplished with constitutional hydrotherapy, an unhindered diet, movement, & stress management.

2) Stimulate the Self-Healing Mechanism

Constitutional Hydrotherapy, Fasting , Homeopathy, Movement, & Natural hygiene all stimulate the Vis Medicatrix Naturae, or the "Healing Power of Nature." This is the inherent healing capacity of your body, mind, & spirit, possessing a natural proclivity towards whole systems health & wellness.

3) Support & Restore Weakened Systems

Next we discern which organs are distressed & may need extra support to aid in recovery. We utilize a Vitality assessment, Chapman reflexes, Heart Sound analysis, Iris diagnosis, & the Obermeyer test for metabolic function, as well as Pulse & Tongue diagnosis in Ayurvedic consultations. Restoration is achieved with Botanical support, Hydrotherapy, Movement exercise, & Supplemental nutrition recommendations.

4) Address Physical Alignment

Re-establishing normal spinal & nerve structure allows for optimal digestion and circulation throughout the body. This in turn provides our vital organs with the nutrition they need to perform their tasks efficiently, intelligently, & without obstacles. Naturopathic doctors are trained by chiropractors in manipulative techniques & we also incorporate massage & structural therapies to provide lasting results.

5) Natural Symptom Control

Natural medicine as palliative care is given only when the body is not responding to Naturopathic Treatments, & the inciting cause is not readily identifiable. An example includes giving an herb to correct blood pressure.

6) Synthetic Symptom Relief

This is where western medical treatment begins, with the use of pharmaceutical drugs to control & suppress the symptoms of "dis-ease."

7) High Force Intervention

Surgery & Intravenous injection of pharmaceutical drugs are given to correct structural abnormalities & life-threatening infections, respectively.

Health From the Bottom Up

Naturopathic Doctors start with the first 4 steps & more often than not, if these are followed, the final 3 steps are not necessary. Western Medical Doctors start at step 6 & often resort to step 7 when patients become tolerant to their prescriptions & pharmaceutical options are exhausted. Medical Doctors are not trained in the art, philosophy, or therapeutics of healing, & therefore they do not support your body's innate propensity to heal itself. Naturopathic doctors specialize in nurturing your body's needs, tailoring individualized treatment plans, & involving you in your own healing process. Your body is wise & it will heal you, Naturopathy guides the way!