Healing As A Process

Written and Edited by: Dr. Andersen

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.

The Healing Power of Nature

Vis Medicatrix Naturae, or the "Healing Power of Nature", is our foremost guiding principle. This innate intelligence is present in every living being, given to us by the Earth as its ability to heal itself and its own. Healing is the process that maintains balance or health in the human body, mind, & spirit. When we experience some disturbing factor (improper diet or lifestyle, stressful situations, etc.) we accumulate the experiences that we aren't able to digest (physical), understand (mental), or release (emotional) in the moment as unprocessed toxins. The perpetual accumulation of these metabolic waste products upsets the balance of our delicate state of health, leading to a disturbance in function of one or more of our internal systems. The reaction that ensues, to release this acquired waste, often involves symptoms of dis-ease that we experience physically, mentally, emotionally, &/or spiritually. This is the critical juncture at which point we have the choice to either honor & support the actions of our body to restore us to a state of health & wellness, or to ignore & suppress its natural efforts.

Restore Balance

When our body is in need of rebalance & healing we receive signs & symptoms that this natural process is approaching or already underway. Aches & pains, cognitive impairment, congestion, fatigue, headache, irritability, nausea, skin issues, etc. all indicate a collective accumulation of toxins from our behaviors & experiences that we're in the process of discharging. If we choose to listen to (the signs) & aid in our body's actions (the symptoms) we allow that inherent propensity of nature within us to carry out what it's successfully evolved over thousands of years to achieve... a restoration of whole systems health & wellness in body, mind, & spirit. If, on the other hand, we choose to disregard the body's attempts to restore balance, we will inevitably find ourselves in another predicament altogether.

Signs & Symptoms

Let's start out with an example, say we have the signs & symptoms of a common cold. Our body is signaling us to stay in, avoid the cold, get more sleep, & consume warm, nourishing foods & beverages to assist it in its recovery. Instead, we choose to take decongestants, go out late, & have a couple drinks with a friend, deciding to neglect & suppress our body's natural intentions mentioned above. Rather than allowing our body to discharge or throw-off the accumulated waste in its recovery effort, these toxins accrue & compile as Toxemia in our weakest organ systems. If we continue this action of suppressing our body's capacity to eliminate toxins from the body, we digress further from the process of healing into a chronic reaction, deep-seated dis-ease, & eventual degenerative state.

Regenerate Weakened Systems

From the depths of acquired toxemia, chronic reactions, & degenerative states, the body's healing potential often lacks the essential vitality to mount its own healing reaction. Now, therapeutic intervention is the only way to restore & support that inborn proclivity towards health & wellness. The foundations of diet, lifestyle, & stress management to remove any obstacles to cure are imperative at this point. Botanical medicine, Homeopathy, & Hydrotherapy stimulate theVis (Healing Power of Nature) & restore proper digestive function. This, in combination with supplemental support, helps to nourish, rebuild, & regenerate damaged & weakened systems throughout your being.

Healing As A Process

This is why Naturopaths believe in Healing As A Process. If we were to continually prescribe suppressive, toxic pharmaceuticals for every symptom, or rather, every effort the body made to restore balance, we would find ourselves in a culture of chronic dis-ease... much like the western medical practice has fostered, where lifelong ailments are considered "incurable", because honestly, you can't poison the body back to health. Medical Doctors are not trained in the art, philosophy, or therapeutics of healing, and therefore they do not support your body's innate propensity to heal itself. Naturopathic Doctors specialize in nurturing your body's needs, tailoring individualized treatment plans, and involving you in your own healing process. Your body is wise and it will heal you, Naturopathy knows the way!