Emunctories: Organs of Detoxification

Written & Edited by: Drs. Marisa & Andersen

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.

Emunctories: Organs of Detoxification

Emunctories are organs or organ systems that work to detoxify, metabolize, and ultimately remove waste from the body. They function in real time to process the food we eat, beverages we consume, environmental exposures, hormones directing bodily functions and emotional responses, medications, recreational drugs, and so on. When they are able to handle the load placed on them, their reserve capacity can work to eliminate accumulations from the past experiences mentioned above. As such, these organs of elimination play a vital role in maintaining our overall health and wellbeing. On the other hand, when these organs become overburdened or dysfunctional, the resulting accumulation of toxic material, referred to more generally as toxemia, leads to symptoms of illness and dis-ease. It is hereby critical that nourishment, burden reduction, and emunctory regeneration be an integral part of any sustainable plan to restore whole-systems health and wellness. 

Organs with primary emunctory function include the bowels (large & small intestines), kidneys, liver, lungs, and skin. If one organ or organ system becomes overburdened or dysfunctional, more pressure will be put on the other systems to pick up the slack or the body will start relying on secondary emunctory organs such as the stomach, spleen, lymphatic system, mucosal surfaces, prostate, and uterus (lining). This can lead to a number of different symptoms including allergies, asthma, and sinusitis, digestive disturbance, eczema and dermatitis, fatigue, headaches, hormonal imbalance, joint pain, swelling, and many more. 

See below to learn more about the primary emunctory organs and how to support them! 


How they work to detoxify: The foods, hormones, medications, toxins, etc are metabolized into their fat-soluble and water-soluble components by the liver. The fat-soluble constituents are released into the intestines to later be eliminated with bowel movement. Additionally, there are bacteria in our gut that help detoxify these toxins as well, and therefore maintaining a healthy microbiome is extremely important! 

How you can support them: Ensure you are having daily, regular bowel movements; Consume plenty of fiber in the form of beans/legumes, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, and nuts; Adopt a stress management practice; Digestive-supporting herbs, appropriate colon cleansing and/or seasonal fasting; Contrast showering (Alternating hot-cold showers)


How they work to detoxify: The water-soluble components prepared by the liver are filtered in the kidneys which act to eliminate toxins and other nutrients our body no longer needs with urination. They act as a second purification system for the blood after the liver. 

How we can support them: Stay hydrated with clean, coherent water; Kidney-supporting herbs; Contrast showering


How it works to detoxify: The liver is the major organ of detoxification and purification of the blood. Not only does it process all of the blood circulating throughout our body to eliminate toxins, hormones, medications, etc. it is also the first line of defense for anything absorbed from the intestinal system. The liver works to detoxify by making toxins less harmful and/or more fat/water-soluble so they can be eliminated through the bowels and kidneys.

How we can support it: Consuming adequate antioxidants, minerals, and protein; Castor oil or vinegar packs; Liver-supporting herbs; Contrast showering


How they work to detoxify: Lung tissue produces mucus that is helpful in trapping toxins we breathe in, which are then expelled by coughing, sneezing, or swallowing. The lungs also expel carbon dioxide, which is one of the major waste products of cellular respiration. 

How we can support them: Taking regular deep belly breaths; Adopt a regular breathing practice; Respiratory-supporting herbs; Contrast showering


How it works to detoxify: The skin eliminates both fat and water-soluble toxins as well as heavy metals through sweat. 

How we can support it: Sweating regularly through exercise, movement, or sauna; Dry or wet skin brushing; Contrast showering

Other practices that support all detoxification pathways include exercise, hydrotherapy (link), hydration, and eating a healthy diet full of organically grown whole foods while avoiding your unique food intolerances (link). 


In conclusion, you can see why supporting our emunctory organs is critical for maintaining our health! The good news is there is so much you can do in your daily life to ensure these systems stay healthy and function optimally! Please let us know if you need support or an individualized approach to encourage your organs of elimination to shine.