Coherent Life II

Written & Edited by: Dr. Andersen

Naturopathic Doctors. Boulder, Colorado. Natural. Medicine. Cancer Care. Yoga. Ayurveda. Natural Doctor. Natural Medicine. Naturopathy. Health. Healing. Wellness. Matrix. Matrix Wellness.


In the first installment of the coherent life series, we explored the Quantum Electrodynamic (QED) mechanisms through which water consciously acts to bring itself, and therefore life into a state of balanced coherence. As a reminder, it was this particular liquid crystalline structure of coherent water that allowed it to recruit like molecules, via Resonance Attraction, which act in unison as a cohesive whole, thereby permitting biological systems to function more efficiently, perform complex functions, and communicate effectively… behaviors not otherwise possible of their individual constituents acting in isolation. This coherent, collaborative matrix expressed in living water permeates and pervades almost everything in our Universe, and it is what allows for all of life to arise & continue to exist.

Water - The Common Thread

Naturally, we have received a number of inquiries as to how one might go about improving the quality of their own internal coherence. And rightfully so, as the structure of water alone determines the way we experience and interact with the world around us. Our physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual state of health or dis-ease, and distress or wellbeing, are intimately intertwined and dependent on one another for support and balance… and it is water that functions as the common thread connecting all dimensions of our being in its coherent fluid matrix.

Water’s Role 

For example, our physical body is intimately regulated by cues from Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) both arising from within and around us. These EMFs in turn are absorbed and released in an orderly fashion based on the structured state of water’s liquid-crystal matrix, which in its coherent form has an electrical capacity 300% greater than that of regular water. It is this increased capacity that regulates the flow of EMF’s to porphyrins (ie. semiconductors that coordinate the flow of electric current; eg. hemoglobin) in our body which ultimately conducts the proper flow and function of all of our various systems, responsible for managing and maintaining an integrated physical, mental, and emotional state of balance. However, when our body is in disarray EMF’s act directly on these porphyrins, without the conscious buffer of balanced, structured water to regulate the conduction, and therefore action, of all these electromagnetic cues, leaving us feeling literally “burned out.”

Approaches to Coherence

One sure-fire way to combat any acute or chronic dis-ease, as well as the stressors of everyday life, is to convert and/or consume water in its coherent state. There are a couple of companies out there providing convenient solutions to structure water either in your home or on the go:

Analemma - The Architect of Life

The Analemma water-cohering wand, developed by three Dutch scientists and based on over 10 years of research to uncover the Secret of Life, is easy enough to slip into your pocket for wherever your travels may take you. More recently, they’ve released an in-line whole-house water structuring unit in Europe and the US. Below is a short synopsis of their findings:

GlycanAge Study: Their research has shown an incredible biological age revitalization of up to 12 years after consuming coherent water for only three (3) months. Furthermore, this study revealed enhanced anti-inflammatory pathway activation, showing how structured water rejuvenates the immune system and primes your body to renew and revitalize, maintaining resilience as you age. 

ATP Study: A second study showed a dramatic increase in blood adenosine triphosphate (ATP - the “energy currency” of cells) levels after just two (2) months of consumption, leading to vastly improved energy production body-wide. 

Microbiome Study: A third study highlighted the effect coherent water has on optimizing gut microbiome populations, providing improvements in both digestion and absorption of necessary nutrients, as well as gains in whole-systems health and overall wellbeing. 

And the benefits don’t stop there… 

Brainwave Study: The brain is the most liquid organ in the body, so water obviously plays a pivotal role in all of its functions. Yet another study illuminated this integrating and revitalizing action of living water acting on the entire system from within… It brought to light the synchronization response between the brain’s left and right hemispheres when drinking coherent water. This in turn creates coherence in body and mind, as the brain is the bridge that connects the two. 

Plant Study: Finally, they looked to other inhabitants of our lively planet. And again they found the same improvements in soil fertility, nutrient availability, and beneficial bacterial diversity (ie. microbiome) that were realized in the terrain of their human subjects. It just goes to show, all of life benefits from the consumption of and exposure to water in its natural state, whether falling from the sky, flowing through streams, or turning in the Earth’s oceans.

With all the benefits listed above, including improved energy and hydration, enriched nutrient availability, enhanced immune system function, synchronization in body and mind, and aging reversal and resilience, it becomes obvious that if you’re alive you should be consuming this water.


Another company that we love to support, came on scene over a decade ago. Flaska utilizes a proprietary process to structure water in their crystal vessels called Technology of Programming Silicone (TPS). They cleverly capitalized on the silicon dioxide content of crystal glass (~70% by weight) and the information it can retain (think computer chips). Their TPS procedure infuses the glass with electromagnetic frequencies (ie. vibrations) of nature like streams and ocean waves… sound familiar? The benefits are identical to the Analemma wand detailed above, but the offerings are quite different. They offer cups, tea infusers, 0.5 and 0.75 liter bottles with an organic cotton/cork or neoprene sleeve made to take with you, or their beautiful 1 liter Vodan jug for structuring water at home. 


The philosophy is in the name… By simply connecting to the Earth’s natural electromagnetic frequency (aka “grounding”) all of one’s internal systems are cleared and reset, promoting normal functioning of the body and mind. Earthing products include bed sets, seat pads, and even yoga mats, so that when you are inside you’ll still be able to connect to the Earth outside. In addition, when we connect with our bare feet to the ground, electrons from the Earth flow into our body, provide ample energy to structure the water within, and offer the following benefits as well:

Reduced Inflammation - 90% of all chronic health conditions are linked to excessive or persistent inflammation.

Decreased Pain & Stress Response - Grounding shifts us from a sympathetic state (fight or flight) to a parasympathetic state (rest and digest) allowing us to more easily cope with the stressors of everyday life. 

Increased Heart-Rate Variability (HRV) - HRV is a measure of our ability to adapt to our situation or surroundings. The better we are able to adapt the quicker our recovery, greater our emotional resilience, and stronger our overall well-being.  

Improved Cortisol Rhythm & Sleep -  Cortisol is one of our key stress response hormones and also regulates our sleep/wake cycle. By balancing its natural release and rhythm we further reduce our stress response and sleep more soundly at night.

Reduced Blood Viscosity & Improved Wound Healing - Reducing blood viscosity lowers your cardiovascular disease risk and simultaneously improves wound healing as the blood is more readily available to travel where it’s needed most.


Somavedic produces Bio-Field generating device designed to control the release of energy from precious and semi-precious crystals, metals, and minerals within its glass housing. Not only does it structure water, it also forms a protective bubble from EMF’s and the devices that emit them, creating a coherent, life-supporting field that harmonizes our body, mind, and environment. They offer various models depending on your situation and size of your living space. Research has shown many of the benefits listed above, including: 

Improved Sleep, Mood, and Internal Balance - As discussed above, improved sleep contributes to increased energy and feeling less fatigued, which contribute to a positive mindset and overall balance in body, mind, and spirit. 

Reduced Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation - Cellular phones receive and emit microwave radiation (5G). This all penetrating technology has well-documented detrimental effects on our health and wellness. Anything we can do to mitigate its effects immediately reduces inflammation and improves recovery time in acute and chronic conditions alike.

Positive Effects on Cardiovascular and Nervous System health, as well as on Overall Well-Being - Improvements in circulation, heart-rate variability (HRV), and red blood cell sedimentation rates all contribute to less stress on the cardiovascular system. This in turn allows blood to travel where it's needed, when it’s needed, improving the function and integration of all other systems in the body and mind.

In conclusion, there really isn’t much left to say. So I’ll just offer this… Water in its coherent, conscious state becomes alive, empowered, and energized… it literally provides the medium through which the Universal Vital Force (ie. Brahman, God, Yahweh, or simply, That Which Is, etc) comes into being to act, express, and experience itself. To be continued…