Yoga & Ayurveda

The Sister Sciences of Self-Realization & Self-Healing


Both Yoga & Ayurveda found their origins in India from the Vedas, a set of ancient spiritual texts written down between 1,500 - 500 BCE. Yoga was first mentioned in print in The Bhagavad Gita (c. 200 BCE) and The Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali (c. 500 BCE - 400 AD), and while Ayurveda grew in the time of the Vedas it is believed to be over 5,000 years old.

The word Yoga means “Union”, and its practice is that connection & exploration in consciousness through the body & mind. Its eight limbs, outlined in the Yoga Sutra’s, deal with how we conduct ourselves (Yamas), self-discipline (Niyamas), posture (Asana), breath control (Pranayama), sensory withdrawal (Pratyahara), concentration (Dharana), contemplation (Dhyana), and realization (Samadhi). The aim of Yoga is to reconnect with our true inner nature, that which connects us to all that is.

Ayurveda means “The Science of Life”, and its application involves diet & lifestyle recommendations directed at balancing the body & mind. It does so by first identifying an individual’s current state of imbalance or “dosha” (ie. fault), and contrasting this with their own unique constitutional make-up, that which they came into this life with. The aim of Ayurveda is to reconnect with one’s true inner nature, remember & honor one’s Self, and allow for a space of harmony & integration in body, mind, and spirit.


Ayurvedic Diagnosis


Pulse Diagnosis

Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis is the primary method of assessing one’s unique constitution. The pulse is taken at both of the radial arteries just above the wrist. From this the practitioner is able to establish where an individual’s imbalances lie, as well as evaluate for specific organ weakness.

Tongue Diagnosis

Ayurvedic Tongue Diagnosis represents one of many microcosmic depictions that reflect the macrocosm of your body. The tongue portrays an individual’s current state of balance, or lack thereof, as it relates to the organs of digestion, the heart, the lungs, the spleen, and the spinal column.


Constitutional & Current state questionnaires are included with each New Patient Intake. The results are combined with Ayurvedic Pulse & Tongue diagnosis results to establish a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s primary imbalance, as well as their natural equilibrium.